Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Workday Blues

I am one of those people who work for a paycheck. I know, I know... I should be doing something I love. I love my art and right now it's not paying the bills. Lets be brutally honest, it probably will never pay the bills. So, I work. The job is not backbreaking, it does not require me to put aside any morals or principals, it does not put me in danger or trample my spirit. The job pays me well, I am respected and treated fairly.

But...(I'm sure you all knew the "but" was coming) The job does not inspire me. It does not bring out the best in me. It does not make me smile, does not feed my soul. I want out. After a long Labor Day weekend where I actually sat and thought about labor. I want to spend my days doing something that makes me happy. I am planning my exit strategy. But until that final day, I work.